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Water Damaged Condo - Yikes!

We were very fortunate to have been selected to come in and bring our clients condo back to where it was before the water lines busted back in February (insurance claim). What did we do? 

Removed two layers of wallpaper, repaired the drywall, and painted (we're very very good at drywall). 

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We installed new R24 insulation on this exterior wall and installed new drywall. What else? (scroll down some more)

A new kitchen! (sort of). Actually we insulated the pipes to help prevent future issues and added 24 insulation as well. We also installed two (2) 5/8 sections drywall around the perimeter. Why? Code requires this due the walls being adjacent to the neighbor. Helps fire spreading. 

We fixed some plumbing issues and installed her base cabinets, countertop, and sink. 

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New kitchen floor tile!! We installed a decorative - 12" and 18" 

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New laminate flooring!!! 


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