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James Hardie Stopping By

ALPHARETTA:  Mr. hardie himself didn't really stop by but we did representing him. :) 

All materials for this siding job were purchased at Home Depot. We get often times good contractor discounts. 

What all did we do? 

1) Removed all the siding

2) Installed plywood on all walls

3) Installed a moisture barrier 

4. Installed Hardie Lap Siding

This plywood is actually called Oriented Strand Board (OSB) - very strong but less than half the costs of regular plywood. Same product used on new construction.

It's the height of the homes that tick-up the costs of replacing siding. One wall like this can take three days. 

The old cardboard siding.... 

On this particular wall we also installed insulation.

The new siding lies sooo much better on OSB as opposed to the blue foam insulation that forces us to secure the siding on the studs. 

Instalinig the house wrap moisture barriers...prevents water from entering but allows the dwelling to breathe out. 

The dreaded and sort of useless foam insulation. We installed insulation on this garage wall as well. 

Staggered lap siding just like the Hames Hardie Installtion Field Manual calls for... 



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