Some days we're nonstop but not stressed out. This was one of those days. From the Windward subdivision in Alpharetta our journey begins.
Here goes...
Hoschton Daughter referred us to Alpharetta Mom.
Alpharetta Mom asked us to load up a few things for Cumming Daughter at the Hamptons subdivision past exit 17 (400) with a 2nd trip to Southern Comfort Consignment on North Main in Alpharetta.
Cumming Daughter asked us to bring a couple of pieces to the basement, one piece across the street and one piece to Southern Comfort Consignment. (click More)
Southern Comfort Consignment was awesome. We get there and they quickly help us unload the clients furniture pieces.
Our clock was ticking...thank you!
From Southern Comfort we pack a lunch and head to Hoschton Daughter to pick up more furniture & a rug.
We load up & roll out back to Alpharetta Mom to unload the bedroom set.
We unload & begin assembling the frame only to discover it's the wrong bed frame. Bummer.
All the ladies were very nice, the day really was another good day.